FreePOPs StudiVzMeinVz/SchülerVzPlugin

Read & import all your StudiVz/MeinVz/SchülerVz messages in your favorite Email client such as Outlook/Thunderbird etc. using FreePOPs StudiVz Plugin.


What's new? German

October, 27th 2018: Release of version 1.0.28 with the following changes/updates:

  • Fixed bug in proper auth success detection due to web ui change.


  1. Download & install FreePOPs
  2. Download & install the StudiVzPlugin
  3. Add a new email account to your mail client using the following information:

POP3 Server: localhost or        Port: 2000
STMP Server: localhost or        Port: 50200

Password: your-StudiVz/MeinVz/SchülerVz-password

...and launch FreePOPs...

Mac & Linux users:

Skip step no. 2 and download the LUA file from here and put it in your FreePops/LUA_UNOFFICAL folder.
For the SMTP Gateway: Download the SMTP Gateway LUA file from here and put it in the root of your FreePops folder and launch it using the console via: freepopsd -e studivz-smtp.lua


Q: Is it possible to import messages from my outbox as well?
A: Yes, simply add another account and add "&folder=Outbox" at the end of your username this time.

Q: Is it possible to import messages from my pin wall as well?
A: Yes, simply add another account and add "&folder=Wall" at the end of your username this time.

Note: In case you want to keep your messages in the web interface, select the Leave messages on server option in your POP3 Client otherwise those will be deleted/gone after they have been downloaded to your local disk.


Studivz Friends List Exporter: Extract/convert your StudiVz/MeinVz/SchülerVz friends list to ldif or vcf to use in your favorite Email client in concert with the SMTP Gateway.
Launch the tool via: freepopsd [-vv] -e studivz-friendslist.lua username password [vcf]


If you are encountering a problem, launch FreePOPs in debug mode and send us the log files that can be found in C:\Users\<Username>\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\FreePOPs (Windows Vista/7) / C:\Programme\FreePOPs (Windows XP & previous versions).


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